Epidemic management

Variety Dynamics is a powerful tool to help design the early stage interventions to control epidemics and reduce their scope, scale, costs and adverse consequences on populations and countries.

The early stages of epidemics are characterised by lack of information, positive feedback loops and the resulting need to act as early as possible.

Practically, positive feedback loops in epidemics occur  in many ways. At heart is that the more people are infected, the more people become infected.

Typically, to date, government decision making has been based primarily on the output of Discrete Event Simulation software (DES). This models the epidemic in terms of changes to the state at discrete event points in the epidemic (e.g. infection, visiting doctor, pathological testing, hospital triage, bed in ICU, treatment, review, recovery, death...).  DES has been preferentially used due to  familiarity - hospitals use it in normal life  for planning.

DES has two limitations. First, DES does not identify the positive  feedback loops needed to be addressed. It is a linear model.  Second, DES takes time, a long time,  to gather the information to make its model. In fact, ideally, the epidemic has to reach a stable state before a DES model has the information to make the simulation model. Together, these mean that government's responses to epidemics are to late to be effective at early control.

Systems Dynamics (SD) modelling identifies positive feedback loops almost immediately via its preparatory stage of creating a causal loop diagram. Also, besides being so much faster, SD modelling requires much less information than DES. SD can provide some of the same data as DES for health purposes, e.g. . flows of patients through the system. However, SD although faster than DES still does not explicitly provide strategies to manage the epidemic.

Variety Dynamics analysis provides a means to identify strategies, operations and tactics likely to be effective in the early stages of an epidemic, and also, if necessary at later stages. Epidemics dynamically  change the distribution of variety. If nothing is done in response, or if the response is delayed, then power and control of the society/state flows towards the epidemic and its cause, and away from the government, people and existing institutions.

Variety dynamics can be used to quickly map the distribution and dynamics of distribution  of new variety caused by the epidemic.  This then offers those intervening with a ready understanding of the scale and diversity of variety changes needed to address the epidemic.  Variety Dynamics works symbiotically with System Dynamics modelling. However, DES modelling, by its nature, is too slow in its response to be useful.  

Intro to Variety Dynamics

Variety Dynamics is concerned with the consequences of the distributions and dynamics of distributions of variety in any situation.

Variety is the number of possible options available to different elements in a situation.

Theory of Variety Dynamics at this point has eleven strands:

  • Focus on  managing the dynamic locus and ownership of power and control in any situation
  • Focus on the distributions and dynamics of distribution of variety (options) and how it shapes the locus and ownership of power
  • Implications of the two-feedback loop limitation axiom  for understanding by human agents of any situation.
  • Role of time as an equivalent to variety
  • Role of Coasian transaction costs of modifying variety distributions and subsequent changes in the locus and ownership of power 
  • Ways in which variety is more effective than physical force to change the locus of power and its ownership
  • Variety Dynamics analysis as an alternative to causal analysis
  • Variety Dynamics analysis information requirements are less than for causal analysis
  • Covert nature of Variety Dynamics interventions
  • The use of Variety Dynamics in addressing situations that do nor conform to the standard system analysis assumptions
  • New mathematical field of variety, the dynamic V distribution,  its dynamics and its mathematical relationship to power and control.

Military History Analysis

Variety Dynamics offers a new insight into Military History. It is particularly relevant to New Military History that includes sociological, economic, environmental, historical, technological and cultural factors.

Variety Dynamics offers deep insights about the progression of events in the realms of aggressors and defenders.

In Military terms, Variety Dynamics offers a new overarching analysis of military doctrines, and, in its own right, offers a new military doctrine  and a new basis for understanding  strategy, operations and tactical decision-making.

Advantageously, Variety Dynamics provides a tool to analyse situations that are information-sparse or fully covert. On the larger scale, Variety Dynamics is capable if undertaking analyses and identifying reasons for outcomes without  the same need for comprehensive information required of typical Military History analyses that depend on causal understanding of events

In short,  Variety Dynamics offers:

  • A new from of Military History analysis
  • A new approach that includes addressing covert situations or those with substantially missing information
  • A new overarching approach for comparing and contrasting existing military doctrines and their application and effectiveness
  • A new form of military strategy
  • A new field of Military History



Below are articles, conference papers, theses and sundries relating to Variety Dynamics. These are typically as pre-prints or drafts. The final published versions are available from the publishers described in the references.



Love, T.  (Nov 2022) Abstract: Unambiguous Categories of Systems Complexity and Control

Love, T., Cozens, P., Cooper, T. (2022). Planning Theory, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and complexity: what planners can learn from COVID-19. Urban Policy and Research (in press). (pdf)

Love, T. & Cooper, T. (2022) Variety Dynamics support for System Dynamics. System Thinking and Modelling Symposium 4 Feb 2022. Oceania Chapter of System Dynamics Society. (pdf) and (PowerPoint)

Love, T. (2022) Three Categories of Design Thinking: Routine, Simple/Complicated and Complex. Journal of Design Thinking. Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 191-214.


Love, T. (2021) Variety Dynamics Overview for ICCPM. International Centre for Complex Project Management.

Love, T. & Cooper, T. (2021) Variety Dynamics for Operational Research, OR63 International Operational Research Society Conference.


Love, T. (2018). The 2 Feedback Loop Axiom and its  Implications for OR, Systems Thinking and Wicked Problems in Planning and Crime Prevention. OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T. (2018). Machiavelli:  Using Distribution and Dynamics of Variety to Change the Locus of Control of Complex Socio-Technical-Political Systems.OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T. (2018). Thief of Time: Time as an Equivalent to Variety to Manipulate Power and Control in Complex Socio-Technical Political Situations. OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.


Love, T. (2010). Can you feel it? Yes we can! Human Limitations in Design Theory (invited plenary). Paper presented at the CEPHAD 2010 conference. Powerpoint (1.6Mb)
Proceedings available from http://www.dkds.dk/media/forskning/cephad/konference/planary%20sessions/PS%20Love%20v3%20CEPHAD2010%20DKDS.pdf
Videos of sessions and keynote presentations available here.

Love, T. (2010). Design Guideline Gap and 2 Feedback Loop Limitation: Two issues in Design and Emotion theory, research and practice. In J. Gregory, K. Sato & P. Desmet (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Design and Emotion Conference 2010 Blatantly Blues. Chicago: Institute of Design and Design and Emotion Society. Powerpoint of presentation available here (1Mb pptx file).


Love, T. (2009). Understanding in Design Edited from presentation by T. Love for Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture 'Holistic Design'. (15 Jan 2009). Portland: Institute of Science, Engineering and Public Policy.

Love, T. (2009). University-Based Units providing Design and Innovation Support for Businesses and Public Sector Organisations. In E. Corte-Real, A. Couto & C. Duarte (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Internacional Conference of UNIDCOM/IADE "40IADE40" (pp. 402-409). Lisbon: IADE - Creative University.

Love, T. (2009). Complicated and Complex Crime Prevention and the 2 Feedback Loop Law. In T. Cooper, P. Cozens, K. Dorst, P. Henry & T. Love (Eds.), Proceedings of iDOC'09 'What's Up Doc' International Design Out Crime Conference. Perth: Design Out Crime Research Centre.
Proceedings online at http://www.designoutcrime.org/ocs2/index.php/iDOC/2009/schedConf/presentations

Love, T.( 2009). Counter-intuitive Design Thinking: Implications for Design Education, Research and Practice. Cumulus 38South Conference, Melbourne (pdf 160Kb) . [online proceedings - http://ocs.sfu.ca/cumulus/index.php/cumulus09/swinrmit/paper/view/432/24]

Love, T. (2009) 'Holistic Design'. Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture (15 Jan 2009). Portland: Institute of Science, Engineering and Public Policy. [PowerPoint slides 5Mb]

Love, T. and Cooper, T. (2009) Built Environments of Digitally-based Ecosystems: Systemic Variety-Based Design. Invited lecture to Dept of Architecture, University of Oregon [pdf of PowerPoint 2Mb] [Introductory notes].

Yang, S and Love, T. (2009) Designing Shape-shifting of Knitwear by Stitch Shaping Combinatorics: A simple mathematical approach to developing knitwear silhouettes efficaciously. IASDR Conference 2009: Design / Rigor & Relevance, Seoul: International Association of Societies of Design Research and the Korean Society for Design [pdf 185Kb] 


Love, T. , & Cooper, T. (2008). Motivational Information Systems: Case study of a University Research Productivity Index and 6th Extension to Ashby’s Law Paper presented at the ANZSYS'08: 14th International Conference, Perth, WA.

Love, T. (2008). Design & Innovation: Integrating Engineering, Information Systems, Business and Humanities. Paper (ppt) presented at the Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute (DEBII) Research Forum.

Love, T. (2008). Improving Design of Micro-business Systems via VSM and Constituent Orientation Analysis. In C. Rust (Ed.), Design Research Society International Conference 2008: Undisciplined! (pp. CDROM). Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University and Design Research Society [CDROM].

Love, T. & Cooper, C. (2008). Machiavelli with Extra Variety: Taking Organisational Power and Control. Paper (ppt) presented at the Institute of Enterpreneurship and Enterprise Development, Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. [pdf  of PowerPoint - 1Mb]

Love, T., & Cooper, C. (2008). Machiavelli with Extra Variety: Taking Organisational Power and Control. Paper (ppt) presented at the Systems Thinking Group of Western Australia, Technology Park, Bentley, Western Australia.


Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). Complex Built-environment Design: Four Extensions to Ashby. Kybernetes, 46(9/10), 1422-1435.

Love, T. And Cooper, T (2007) Successful activism strategies: Five new extensions to Ashby. In K. Fielden & J. Sheffield (Eds), Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment, ANZSYS 2007 proceedings [CDROM]. Auckland, NZ: Unitech.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). Digital Eco-systems Pre-Design: Variety Analyses, System Viability and Tacit System Control Mechanisms. In E. Chang & F. K. Hussain (Eds.), 2007 Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies 21-23 February 2007 Cairns, Australia (pp. 452-457). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). An Inclusive Approach to Learning Object Architectures: Portfolios and RDF. In K. Harman & A. Koohang (Eds.), Learning Objects: Standards, Metadata, Repositories, and LCMS (pp. 315-350). Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science Press.

Love, T. (2007). System dynamics modelling of national design infrastructure development. In K. Fielden & J. Sheffield (Eds.), Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANSYS 2007 proceedings (Vol. [CDROM]). Auckland: Unitech.


Love, T. (2006). Design Centres as Elements of Design Infrastructure. SEEDesign Bulletin (Design Wales)(2), 3-5.

Love, T. (2006). A Systems Analysis of the Problem of Professional Practice in Design: "Why Mac Computer Systems Reduce Creativity and Inhibit Quality Improvement of Novel Innovative Design" - Plenary.WonderGround, Designing interdisciplinary discourse, conspiring for Design Leadership, Design Research Society International Conference 2006 Lisbon, Portugal: IADE - Instituto Artes Visuais Design Marketing..


Love, T. (2005). Design Infrastructure: Australian Developments. In 2005IDC New Design Paradigms Proceedings (paper N00000808ATLIP00000972.pdf [CDROM]). Douliou, Taiwan: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and International Association of Design Research Societies.

Love, T. (2005). A Unified Basis for Design Research and Theory. In 2005IDC New Design Paradigms Proceedings (paper N00000808ATLIP00000971.pdf [CDROM]). Douliou, Taiwan: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and International Association of Design Research Societies.

Love, T. (2005). The Practical Implications of the Essentially Two-faced Nature of Design. In E. Corte-Real, C. A. M. Duarte & F. Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.), Pride & Predesign The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design 2005 (pp. 251-254). Lisbon: IADE/UNIDCOM.

Love, T. (2005). The Future of e-Learning: Inclusive learning objects using RDF. Paper presented at the IEED Seminar 25 October 05, Lancaster University.

Love, T. (2005). Design Economies: Moving on from the Knowledge Economy. The Key Roles of Design Infrastructure in National Economic Development, Public Lecture, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy (19 Aug 05).


Jonas, W., & Love, T. (2004). Interview with Terence Love. In W. Jonas (Ed.), Mind the Gap! On knowing and not-knowing

Love, T. (2004). Design Economies: Moving on from the Knowledge Economy. The central and essential role of design activity and infrastructure in local economic and social development. Presentation to the Institute for Small Business Affairs, ISBA Research Day, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 25 May 2004. (PowerPoint slides).


Love, T., & Tellefsen, B. (2003). Constituent Market Orientation and Ownership of Virtual Marketplaces. Journal of Logistics and Information Management, 16(1), 8-17.

Love, T. (2003). Design and Sense: Implications of Damasio's Neurological Findings for Design Theory. Proceedings of Science and Technology of Design, Senses and Sensibility in Technology - Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design 25-26 September 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

Love, T. (2003). Beyond Emotions in Designing & Designs: Epistemological & Practical Issues. In D. McDonagh, D. Gyi, P. Hekkert & J. v. Erp (Eds.), Design and Emotion (pp. 387-391). London: Taylor & Francis.

Love, T. (2003). Customers' Use of Products as Design Tools. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design Conference. Tsukuba. (pdf)

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2003). Constituent Market Orientation as a Basis for Integrated Design Processes and Design Management. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design Conference. Tsukuba.

Love, T. (2003). A Fork in the Road: Systems and Design. In T. Haslet & R. Sarah (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Australian and New Zealand Systems Conference - Monash University. Melbourne: Monyx.

Love, T. (2003). Design as a Social Process: Bodies, Brains and Social Aspects of Designing. Journal of Design Research.


Love, T. (2002). Constructing a coherent cross-disciplinary body of theory about designing and designs: some philosophical issues. International Journal of Design Studies, 23(3), 345-361.

Love, T. (2002). Learning from the Design-Science Paradox: New Foundations for a Field of Design. In W. Jonas (Ed.), The Basic Paradox.

Love, T. (2002). Review of 'Flood, R. & Carson, E. R. (Eds) (1988) Dealing with Complexity: An Introduction to the Theory and Application of Systems Science'. Visible Language, 36(2).

Love, T. (2002). Beyond Emotions in Designing & Designs: Epistemological & Practical Issues. Paper presented at the Design & Emotion '02 Conference, Loughborough, UK

Love, T. (2002). Review of 'Espejo, R. & Harnden, R. (Eds.) (1989). The Viable System Model: Interpretations and Applications of Stafford Beer's VSM'. Visible Language, 36(2).

Love, T. (2002). Complexity in Design Management: Layered System Dynamics Graphs. ANZSYS'02 'Management Approaches to Complex Systems', Mooloolaba, Qld. (Paper - pdf) (PowerPoint - pdf)


Love, T. (2001). Concepts and Affects in Computational and Cognitive Models of Designing. In J. S. Gero, M. L. Maher (Eds.), Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design (pp. 3-23). Sydney: University of Sydney.

Love, T. (2001). Changes to Theory Making about Systems Involving People: Meta-theoretical Analysis and Brain Research. In W. Hutchinson & M. Warren (Eds.), The Relevance of Systems Thinking in the Contemporary World: Systems in Management 7th Annual ANZSYS Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-79). Perth: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (2001). Strategic Management of Knowledge for Designers: Meta-Theoretical Hierarchy as a Foundation for Knowledge Management Tools. In J. Gero & K. Hori (Eds.), Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation (pp. 3-16). Sydney: Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney.

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2001). Constituent Market Orientation and Virtual Organisations. In S. Stoney & B. J (Eds.), Working for Excellence in the E-conomy (pp. 195-204). Scarborough, WA: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.


Love, T. (2000). Philosophy of Design: a Meta-theoretical Structure for Design Theory. Design Studies, 21(3), 293-313.

Love, T. (2000). A Meta-theoretical basis for Design Theory. In D. Durling & K. Friedman (Eds.), Doctoral Education in Design: Foundations for the Future (pp. 45-54). Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Staffordshire University Press.

Love, T. (2000). Computerising Affective Design Cognition. International Journal of Design Computing, 2.

Before 2000

Love, T. (1999). Engineering design education: some implications of  a post-positivist theory of design cognition. In N. Juster (Ed.), The Continuum of Design Education (pp. 33-42). Bury St Edmunds, UK: Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd.

Love, T. (1999). Values Role in Computer Assisted Designing. International Journal of Design Computing, 1.

Love, T. (1998) Values Role in Computer Assisted Designing. DCNET'98 conference. Key Centre of Design Computing, Sydney NSW.

Love, T. (1997). Literature Review of Social, Environmental, Ethical and Technical Factors in Design Theory. from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.
pdf (500Kb)

Love, T. (1998). Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post positivist approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Love, T. (1996). New Developments in Engineering Design Theory: Part 1. News Bulletin Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Australian Branch), NSW.(123).

Love, T. (1996). New Developments in Engineering Design Theory: Part 2. News Bulletin Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Australian Branch), NSW.(124).

Love, T. (1996). Social, environmental and ethical factors: their implications for design theory. In M. A. Groves & S. Wong (Eds.), Design for People (pp. 199-206). Perth: Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1995). Systems Models and Engineering Design Theory. In W. Hutchinson & S. Metcalf & C. Standing & M. Williams (Eds.), Systems for the Future (pp. 238–246). Perth Western Australia: Edith Cowan University.